Does The Wurst Hack Clident Support Mac Os

Oct 17, 2018  Note: Motherboards prior to 2012 use BIOS which doesn’t support mouse and usually features a blue background. The modern motherboards come with UEFI which look slightly fancier and support mouse. Note: Select “Mac OS Extended (Journaled).” while erasing the disk. That’s all you need to do to install macOS high sierra on your windows pc. I respect their decision and have fixed the issue in Wurst 6.6. As a result, downloads for any version older than v6.6 are no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience. Related Tutorials. How to install Wurst 6 for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.12. How to manually update Wurst 6 for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.12. Wurst Hacked Client 1.12.2 Minecraft Download – the best delegate of hack consolidates, having an enormous number of altogether different capacities.Hack Wurst is a Swiss blade, which has capacities for any prerequisites and solicitations. As you comprehend, the primary concern in hacks is obviously not mystery and alternate routes.

  1. Does The Wurst Hack Client Support Mac Os 2
  2. Does The Wurst Hack Client Support Mac Os 10

Wurst hacked client got an update and it’s awesome. Wurst is one of the best Minecraft hacks at the moment, and is constantly getting updated.

About Wurst 2.18

Better Criticals Bypass

This new version of criticals has two different modes: Packet and jump. In Jump mode, it will do exactly like the old version.

The old version of Criticals used mini-jumps to generate the criticals. This method works well and bypasses NoCheat+ without problems, but the mini-jumps can slow you down.

The new Packet mode, uses packets instead of mini-jumps to generate the criticals. This method allows you to move around normally, without getting slowed down, while still bypassing NoCheat+.

Packet mode will be the default mode of Criticals from now on.

Updated Damage Bypass


We have updated the .damage command to make it bypass newer AntiCheat plugins. This new version of the damage bypass will work on any server, no matter if it’s running vanilla Minecraft, Mineplex AntiCheat, Hypixel AntiCheat or NoCheat+.

Unlike the old version, this new damage bypass will also work in mid-air and while climbing on ladders.

Better Server Finder

This update improves the server finder feature in several ways. First, it will now find a lot more servers than before.

Here’s a quick comparison of the new server finder vs. the old one (values are estimated based on experience):

Theoretical maximumAvg. servers foundAvg. servers working
Old Server Finder102415075
New Server Finder1792450275

It is no longer required that you enter a numeric IP without port. Server Finder will now automatically resolve hostnames into IP adresses and remove unnecessary ports.

Credits: Alexander01998


AntiKnockback: Protects you from getting knocked back.
AntiSpam: Protects you from spam chat.
ArenaBrawl: work in progress!
AutoAdSign: Writes an ad for GriefWurst on every sign you place in the game.
AutoBuild: Automatically build, everytime you place a block. Modes: Floor, Bridge, Swastika, Peniis, Pillar, Wall, Wurst.
AutoMine: Automatically mines blocks when you look at them.
AutoRespawn: Automatically respawns you if you die.
AutoSign: Instantly writes whatever text you want on every sign you place.
AutoSwitch: Switches the item in your hand constantly.
AutoWalk: Automatically make you walk without pressing keys.
BuildRandom: Builds random stuff.
ChestESP: Allows you to see chests through blocks. Also works with piston crates.
ClickGUI: Menu.
Criticals: Make you do critical hits all the time.
Derp: Makes other players unable to see where you are looking.
Dolphin: Makes you swim in water like a dolphin.
FastBreak: Makes you break blocks faster.
FastEat: Eat faster.
FastLadder: Climb up ladder faster.
FastPlace: Place blocks 5 times faster.
FightBot: Automatically fights for you. Walks around and fight everyone.
Flight: Gives you the abillity to fly.
Follow: Follows the closest entity.
ForceOP (aka. AuthMeCracker): Cracks other peoples AuthMe passwords. You can get OP by cracking an admin password.
Freecam: Allows you to”fly out of your body”.
Fullbright: Gives you abillity to see in the dark.
Glide: Fall slowly.
Headless: Looks like you are missing your head.
HealthTags: Adds the health of other players to their nametags.
HighJump: Makes you jump six times higher.
/home: Types “/home” instantly.
InstantBunker: Instantly builds a bunker around you (5x5x3 with 57 blocks in total).
Invisibility (aka. Godmode): Makes you invisible to other players, IF you die and respawn near them. Only works on vanilla servers.
ItemESP: Allows you to see items through blocks.
Jesus: Allows you to walk on water.
Jetpack: Allows you to jump in mid-air. Works like a jetpack.
Killaura: Automatically attacks everything within your range.
Liquids: Allows you to interact with liquid blocks.
LSD: Colors all over the screen.
MassTPA: Sends TPA request to all players. Stops if someone accepts it.
Miley Cyrus: Makes you twerk.
MobESP: Allows you to see mobs through blocks.
NameTags: Changes the scale of nametags.
YesCheat+: Makes other mods bypass NoCheat+ or disables them.
NoFall: Protects you from taking fall damamge.
NoHurtcam: Disables the effect when you get hurt.
Nuker: Destroys blocks around you. Modes: Normal, ID, Flat (flat mode only destroys blocks above you).
Only Mobs/Players: Makes other mods only target players or mobs.
Overlay: Renders the Nuker animation, when you mine a block.
Panic: Turns off all enabled mods/hacks.
Phase: Exploits a bug in NoCheat+ that allows you to glitch through blocks.
PlayerESP: Allows you to see players through blocks.
Protect: Follows the closest entity and try to protect it.
Regen: Regenerates your health faster.
RemoteView: Allows you to see the world as someone else.
Search: Helps you to find specific blocks. Use “.search” to specify it.
Sneak: Automatically use sneak all the time.
Spider: Allows you to climb up walls.
Sprint: Automatically sprint without holding the sprint button.
Step: Allows you to step up blocks without jumping.
Timer: Changes the speed.
Tracers: Draws lines to players around you.
TrueSight: Allows you to see invisible entities.
X-Ray: Allows you to see through blocks to spot ores (diamon, gold, iron etc.), caves and lots of other stuff.

FastPlace: F
Flight: G
Freecam: U
Fullbright: C
/home: H
Killaura: R
Nuker: L
Sneak: Z
X-Ray: X



Free download below !


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Popular hack for Minecraft 1.9! Wurst Client is currently one of the most popular and well developed hacks/hacked clients for Minecraft.


  • KillAura
  • Triggerbot
  • Commands
  • FastPlace
  • Flight
  • Movement hacks
    • Spider
    • Glide
    • Etc.
  • ServerFinder


If you game crash while loading Wurst Client, you should delete modules.txt in your Wurst folder. The default location is:

Does The Wurst Hack Client Support Mac Os 2


How to use – binds

MenuLeft CTRL

How to install

Windows Installation

  • Download and extract the client.
  • Make sure Minecraft is not running.
  • Navigate to:
  • Move theWurst folder you downloaded into the versions folder:
  • Open the Minecraft launcher.
  • Click on “New Profile”.
  • Use the following settings:
    • Profile Name: Wurst
    • Use version: release Wurst
  • Save the Profile.
  • Select the new profile you created and you are done.
File Password:
No password

Does The Wurst Hack Client Support Mac Os 10

Disclaimer: FTW hacks does not develop nor host any hacks or cheats. We do not offer any support for the cheats or hacks we link to. Also, using any of the cheats or hacks is at your own responsibility. FTW hacks cannot be hold responsible for any loss or damage you encounter by using the files we link to. Use at own risk!