Cable Modem Mac Address Hack

Dec 27, 2004  This violates most acceptable use policies, regardless if your own the cable modem or not changing your modems mac address would fall under hacking as your could cause service interruptions on your network segment for other people. Your paying for internet service not the right to fuck around with a companies million dollar network. Cable Modems utilizes a system called DOCSIS Version 1.1 and Version 2 on some areas as a very strict way of going thru the chain of process of validating your MAC address and registering your cable modem on their network in such a trusted way that the user can't tamper with (of course hackers have had a great success hacking some cable modems. Mar 01, 2020  MAC spoofing is a method that allows you to vary or change your Physical Address (PA) of your computer or router due to which you access the network or internet. By the use of this method, you gain access to someone else’s MAC Address and you.

In 2006, a hacker going by the name 'DerEngel' ('The Angel') wrote a book for respected tech publishers No Starch Press on Hacking the Cable Modem. The book came with a warning: 'The practice of modifying a cable modem violates service agreements, and hackers risk being banned by service providers for life. This book is not intended to be used for stealing Internet service or any other illegal activity.' It was intended, you know, for research. Not for stealing Internet access.

An early review of the book noted this warning didn't seem to fit with the tone of the text, which repeatedly implied 'that uncapping, MAC [Media Access Control] cloning, and evading detection is a noble pursuit.' (Though one section did include 'recommendations to ISP engineers on how to improve their systems to more easily defeat and detect cable modem hackers.')

The feds weren't buying the 'research' angle, either; they were convinced that DerEngel was running the country's largest cable modem hacking operation, showing thousands of people around the country how to get free or higher-speed service from local Internet providers. And they were going to stop it.

Hacking modems

DerEngel was really Ryan Harris, a young Oregon resident. Harris had dropped out of high school at 15, like many disenfranchised geeks. He got his GED instead and attended college for a year, but his computer hacking skills were largely self-taught. Around 2003, he set up, a Web-based company devoted to creating 'diagnostic' tools for cable modems.

The tools came in two basic varieties: a packet sniffer dubbed 'CoaxThief' and a MAC address/config file changer for select cable modems. Together, the tools enabled some fairly clever Internet fraud.

To understand how it worked, consider how cable modems function. Cable networks generally use a shared line connecting many homes in a single neighborhood, as opposed to DSL, where each home's line runs all the way back to a central phone office. That posed a problem for cable operators when they began offering Internet access: how do you tell which traffic on the wire is being paid for by customers, and how do you limit them to their subscribed speed tier?


The basic mechanism involved MAC controls. Each cable modem had a unique MAC address linked to a subscriber's account, so the cable headend could simply block all traffic that didn't originate from a MAC address linked to a paid-up account. Problem solved!

Cable Modem Mac Address Hacked

But not completely, because computers are notoriously flexible. Intrepid hackers quickly figured out tricks to rewrite their MAC addresses, using ones associated with paying customers. Bam—free Internet.

Of course, there was a hitch. Cable companies, though widely loathed, are not in fact staffed only with zombified morons. They had a further limitation in place on local lines: two identical MAC addresses couldn't exist on a single neighborhood segment, to prevent exactly this sort of fraud.

So the hackers had to get social. Using tools like CoaxThief, they could sniff their local cable lines for the MAC addresses of other users, but they couldn't use the addresses themselves. Instead, they went online—to forums like those on—and they swapped with others who had done the same thing. Now the two hackers involved in the swap had a MAC address that came from outside their neighborhood. They just had to get it into the modem, which was designed to prevent such tampering.

That's where Harris's other software came in. Released in 2003, the Sigma firmware exploited modem vulnerabilities to install itself into a modem's memory, allowing users to change the device's MAC addresses. The code had to stay continuously up-to-date, since cable companies regularly tweaked their own countermeasures in response. In 2005, for instance, Sigma became SigmaX and gained the ability to defeat cable-company initiated 'probes' of cable modems on their lines.

Despite the nature of his business, Harris was concerned about the piracy of his software. A 2006 version of his site warned that 'all of the software found on this page is property of TCNiSO, INC' and said that it could not 'be distributed or linked to, without the written consent of TCNiSO.'

With the right MAC address and the right software, suddenly the hacked cable modem provided a connection to the cable system. And it could get even faster. Cable modems use cable-provided profiles to limit users to specific speed tiers; Harris also found ways to uncap the modems by altering these profiles, upping their speeds dramatically.

Change Mac Address Cable Modem

Despite the talk about 'diagnostic purposes,' the operation doesn't come across as a particularly subtle operation. Harris employed several people around the country to code his apps and firmware, and he oversaw a forum in which people offered troubleshooting advice on stealing Internet service and on exchanging MAC addresses. (One thread in 2006 was called 'What i need to do, so my isp can't catch me.' Others offered 'the Charter 0/0 config for download,' while another asked: 'RR [RoadRuner] in North Carolina, anyone want to trade macs?') An FBI agent had no trouble calling the phone number for TCNiSO and ordering a hacked modem.